Welcome to our resource page on Behavioural Disorders! Here you will find information, links and video resources to help yourself or someone you know manage these disorders to minimise the impact they have on life!

Behavioural Disorders

Behavioural Disorders can consist of a range of behaviour and actions that can be seen as "disruptive", and these usually last for over half a year. Behavioural Disorders can manifest themselves in different ways.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a disorder that may be present in children that can cause them to be bored easily and constantly seek new stimuli. For further information on ADHD/ADD , please see the resource link provided.

Attachment Disorder - Attachment disorder is a form of disorder that affects how people manage relationships with other people. This condition is usually formed as a child, often as a result of trauma or a lack of interaction with a caregiver. For more information about this condition and how it can be managed into adulthood, please the the resource provided.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder Intermittent Explosive Disorder is a behavioural disorder where a child or adult can often get uncontrollably angry, and these outbursts are usually disproportionate to the situation. For further information on IED and its causes and effects, the article provided is a great resource.

Kleptomania - Kleptomania is a serious disorder that causes people to impulsively steal things, usually things they don't need. It's a more serious condition than most because it can land a person in jail. For more information about kleptomania and its causes and how it can be managed, please see the resource link provided.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) - Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behaviour disorder where a child is often and severely uncooperative or challenging. If you would like more information and advice on this disorder, please see the resource provided.

Pyromania - Pyromania is a very serious, but also rare disorder where a person has an uncontrollable impulse to start fires. Not much is known about why fire-starting can become addictive, but if you want to learn more information about the signs someone could be a pyromaniac, then the resources provided would be useful to you.

Self-Harm - Self-Harm can occur in people with other mental illnesses, and is often done by people as a coping mechanism. For more information on the signs of self-harm, and how to help others or get help, please see the resource provided for more.

Video Resources:

What is ADHD?


ADHD - What is it and what's the difference with ADD?


What is Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)?


What Is Attachment Disorder? | Child Psychology


What is Intermittent Explosive Disorder?


Kleptomania, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.


Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


What is Pyromania?


Turning to Self-harm | BBC Teach


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