Acupuncture and Aromatherapy

Acupuncture and aromatherapy are two separate treatments. People are using them for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses and disorders. We can combine Aromatherapy and acupuncture together for treatment that is more effective.

We can combine therapeutic-grade essential oils and Chinese herbs in Acu Aromatherapy.

How Acupuncture and aromatherapy Work Together

How do acupuncture and aromatherapy work? The simple premise is that crucial oils, which might be as lively as acupuncture factors, have the potential to stimulate points like needles.

The difference, however, is that essential oils, unlike acupuncture needles, can provide informational content suggestive of certain types of therapeutic benefits. The basic goal is always to choose an oil that has the same function as the acupuncture points. Oils that activate specific point functions.

Points for Aromatherapy

For an instance, geranium oil (Pelargonium x Asperm) is a female hormone regulator for women with reproductive problems, flawlessly matching points, which include SP-6 and CV-4. Because these points have the same feature.

However, geranium is also a mucus suppressant that stops vaginal discharge, making it suitable for use with CV-6 and SP-10 in women with the moist or crowded pelvis.

Conversely, each acupuncture point has multiple effects. so there are several oils that may be used depending on the situation. A vital tip such as CV-17 in the middle of the chest can be lubricated with a nervous soothing oil such as marjoram (Origanum Maiorana) or helichrysum (Helichrysum angustifolium).

This point has a good soothing effect overall system. Often used in acute states of anxiety and restlessness, especially when an emotional component is present.

Similarly, CV-17 can be applied with respiratory stimulants such as Abies sibirica and Picea mariana to provide excellent conditioning and strengthening effects on the lungs and bronchi at the tip. You can also increase it.

This type of combination is very helpful for people with constitutional pulmonary weakness, chronic respiratory infections, or mourning conditions, for example. These are all conditions that deplete the lungs of energy and benefit from the synergy of this powerful oil point.

Essential Oils

In all these cases, essential oils can effectively and safely activate and enhance specific acupuncture point functions.

Aromatherapy is a very new treatment. Therefore, we have no proof of the mechanism of action at work. Still, there are several theories that help explain the body’s often-immediate response to oil spot treatment. They are capable of the long-term effectiveness of this treatment.

One of them is that oils can activate point-attached peptides. This oil transmits its proposed effects to specific target tissues, organs, etc. via meridian energy pathways. However, the simplest explanation is the universal principle of mutual resonance.

Oils and points that are similar in quality and function resonate energetically with each other to produce specific sonic vibrations. A peptide makes this same sound when it binds to a receptor site. We can achieve an essential therapeutic effect in this way.

