Welcome to our resource page on Massages & Reflexology! Here you will find information, links and video resources on massages and reflexology to determine whether these treatments are right for you!
Massages are a form of treatment that involves a person rubbing or “kneading” the body in an effort to induce muscle relaxation and to relieve stress and tension. There are a variety of different styles and techniques used when performing a massage, and they can last anywhere up from 5 minutes to 2 hours depending on if it is done professionally or at home. There are plenty of resources out there for deciding what type of massage a person would require depending on their circumstances, and there are also plenty of resources for people who would like to perform massages, and we have provided some of them here.
If you would like to learn more about Massages and Massage Therapy, then this article provided gives useful information on the definition of a massage, how they work and are performed, and what types of benefits they can have on a person.
Reflexology is similar to a massage, except it focuses more on the feet and hands. The idea behind reflexology is that applying pressure to different points of the hands and feet can relieve pain in other areas of the body. It is said that reflexology can help reduce psychological problems such as anxiety and stress. Another advantage is that is seen as a low-risk treatment, and can be a viable option for people seeking relaxation and pain relief. These resources are aimed to help inform people about the specifics of reflexology, and help them decide whether it is a suitable option for their needs.
For further information on Reflexology, the resource provided here gives information on the idea behind reflexology and how it was developed, as well as advice on how it would be performed in a clinic and what the potential benefits are.
Video Resources:
How to: Back Massage - Best Techniques from a Massage Therapist
20 Common Massage Types and Their Benefits Explained!
How Reflexology Works and What It Can Treat
What is Reflexology?
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