Welcome to our resource page on Menopause! Here you will find information, links and video resources on the Menopause to help you or someone you know get through it more easily!


Menopause is not a disease, but the menopause is the period in time where menstrual cycles stop in women, officially diagnosed after 12 months without a menstrual cycle. The menopause usually starts in the mid to late 40s, but can be later for some women and is a natural process where the balance of the body’s sex hormones changes. The resources provided here aim to help guide women through the menopause, inform them on life after the menopause and manage their symptoms, along with exploring treatment options when symptoms are more severe.

For further information on the menopause, the article provided informs the reader on potential symptoms, causes and side effects of this natural part of the aging process.

Video Resources:

What really happens to your body during menopause | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter




Menopause - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options


Menopause Symptoms - Ways to Deal With it


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